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This is a port of the TAP Autodelete from Markus Bubendorf. Not all functions are tested.

The TAP works with Renamemode=0 and TSRMode=OneShot. The TAP only deletes files in folder /DataFiles.

AutoDelete.INI must be edited for new deletion entries. "heute,48" means, that all recordings starting with "heute" will be deleted if they are older than 48 hours.

Ini file is found in folder /ProgramFiles.

zip-16Autodelete TMS Version 2.2 HOT

Version 2.2 funktioniert nun bis 2049 statt wie bisher nur bis 2019.

Version 2.2 will work until 2049 instead of only 2019.

Date-16Sunday, 05 April 2020 14:56
File Size-16 143.36 KB
Download-16 2,128